One of the most common complaints the doctor hears from patients is pain in the knees. What is causing them, you can't always tell immediately, because the king's meadow suffering from various diseases, of which osteoarthritis of the knee. He is also known under the name of osteoarthritis of the knee, and is a common disease, the non-inflammatory character usually wears, and contributes to the destruction of cartilage, bone use-deformations and restriction of the movements of the patient.
There are two main forms of the disease:
- the primary. Appears to be due to aberrations of the joints at birth;
- secondary. Appears as a result of other diseases or injuries.
The primary Form develops in the rule since childhood, and due to the wrong formation of the apparatus, ligaments, or joints. You are exposed to during physical activity, high stress, and deform.
The secondary Form of the disease due to the factors:
- Injuries (bruises, strains, dislocations, fractures), the use of an injury of the structures of the bone, ligaments, cartilage. This is the cause of post-traumatic forms of the disease;
- transfer operations for the removal of the meniscus, which is damaging to the integrity of the structure of the knee;
- to high load on the legs (common in athletes);
- overweight, because he provoked the great pressure of the body weight on the cartilage of the joints of the king's meadow;
- Arthritis (inflammatory process in the joints). Protracted disease by the formation of excess fluid in the cavity, what is the cause of complications;
- Malfunction of the metabolism, what is the cause for the deposits of the salts;
- various operations on the king's meadow;
- Diseases spasms by a long muscle in the muscles or vessels.

The process of the development of the disease is one-sided or two-sided mold can take. Trauma is probably the cause of unilateral osteoarthritis, and obesity provoke two-sided.
The symptoms of the disease
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint symptoms gradually shows. The Patient may not know, over the years, what is sick, because the visible change in the shape of the knee or severe pain, he has none. The osteoarthritis of the knee joint is accompanied by 1 degree, usually of unpleasant and painful sensations in the knees, but only a few people in this stage turns to the doctor. Susceptible to this disease than women after the age of 40 years suffer from obesity. Preferably, the development of this disease promotes the presence of varicose veins. In this Phase, maybe the cure disease at home without the use of drugs and ointments.
Pain in the illness are sudden and come out gradually, sometimes over several years. They occur in sports, Hiking, and other physical invite. This sharp pain to not be symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee, but a consequence of the fracture, entrapment or injury to the meniscus can. If the Patient feels severe discomfort, then it is certainly osteoarthritis of the knee joint 2 degrees. To avoid pain, back aiming for the man after that, more time at a standstill, but after the resumption of physical activity, the complaints still.
Such a Symptom such as Deformation, accompanied deforming arthrosis of the knee joint. It is noticeable on the second or third stages of the disease. Your first symptoms: the king's meadow slightly swollen, but retains its shape. In the last stages of its shape to change, can even a leg shorter or longer. To drink sick of this type of medication, as chondroprotectors (for the restoration of cartilage tissue).
Synovitis (accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity) are also signalled on the development of the disease. If there is too much liquid, it can be a cyst, the so-called Baker – Tumor on the glenoid rear wall of the joint. Elastic cyst is felt, if the king's meadow flattened. Easy to handle with the help of the Intervention of the doctor.
One of the most characteristic symptoms is the crunch, the fall in the case of a disease to 2 and 3 stages. The main thing – distinguish-tale crunch of voting in the joints of healthy people and the pigeons, the dry crunch of the patient. It is a weakness of the device bands, either caused by their high mobility. For the warranty of the rest of the Patient's joints will be prompted for the wearing of knee braces for osteoarthritis.
The limited mobility of the knee can be seen in the later stages of the disease. Here, the Patient can not stretch fully, or bend the leg, as this causes a lot of pain. If the disease reaches stage 3, the king's meadow can be fully joints immobile, due to the merger. This condition requires the use of injections, ointments, or other means and medicines, in front of relieves pain, but also interventions of surgeons, because the usual Massage or traditional remedies are powerless to use against the ever growing bone.
The stage of osteoarthritis of the knee
There are three stages of osteoarthritis of the knee:
- from the beginning of the first stage, up to the visible symptoms of the disease months or years. The Person complains of pain in the legs, in regular intervals. This applies in particular for the first steps on the stairs up or down, and when lifting out of bed in the morning. The pictures may show the narrowing the gap interarticular. In the rule, instead of the Hiking patients to a specialist is often the people, ointments, tinctures, and drugs, shall apply;
- the second stage is characterized by more severe pain that does not stop, even at rest limbs. You crunch accompanied. In the cavity of the joints fluid can accumulate, and the x-ray images show the benefit of the beginning of the deformation of the bone and growths. The Patient in this Phase is strong, the number of movements of the affected limb is limited. For the reduction of unpleasant sensations specialist can prescribe injections, and taking chondroprotectors;
- on the last, the third stage, the pain becomes constant, often reinforced during the change of weather. The x-rays show a larger Deformation of the knee, which eliminate only by surgical intervention, the Patient must protectors to drink on a special chondro. The Patient changes the pace of: deforming arthrosis of the knee joint promotes either go on a bit of bent legs, or waddle.
The treatment of the disease
The treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint is directly dependent on the severity of the disease king's meadow. Chronic pathology helps to come only to the Phase of Remission (when the active symptoms of the disease reduced to a Minimum or is missing). Physiotherapy treatment in combination with application of drugs, in particular, chondroprotectors, gives positive results.
Goals of treatment are:

- reduces the sensation of pain;
- Recovery with the help of various means of cartilage and ligaments;
- the increase of mobility in the extremities.
To distinguish the methods of treatment:
- Use of medicines (chondroprotectors);
- the surgical procedure of doctors;
- Revitalizing complex (exercise therapy, physiotherapy, Massage, and other means).
Drug, also known under the name of chondroprotectors, only the doctor can pick up. It is strictly forbidden to assign for itself, as chondroprotectors pretty strong drugs are even.
All assignable honey. Drugs to targets:
- the acceptance of the pain, but also inflammation. This will be introduced in the joint gap-hormonal medications and non-hormonal type;
- Improvement of the blood supply of the Patient's legs. There are medications that can enable you to remove spasms of blood vessels or muscles;
- the healing of the tissues of the cartilage. Special medicines – all kinds of chondroprotectors are, differ by the force of the impact on the affected joint. They feed the necessary nutrients to the cartilage. Chondroprotectors are also able to help the body, new cartilage tissue.
Medicines in the Form of ointments, injections and other means.
In addition, a popular means of healing and Massage for osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Right doctor Massage performed with the application of the ointment, can relax constantly tense muscles in the vicinity of the disease in the affected knee, the pain diminished (homeopathically not bad stitches). Also a Massage with the ointment helps to increase the number of movements, the kicks, correct the Position of the bone is also at home, the blood stream increase. If the pathology was in the third stage, is not helping the usual ointment or injection, and surgery is required. The doctor planted patients a metal of the prosthesis, the professions are not, to replace part of the leg. Such prostheses will have to change every couple of years, and the surgery itself is quite expensive.
Revitalisation of the complex of exercises includes in osteoarthritis of the knee joint, the Patient should be under the strict supervision of your doctor. These exercises pursue the goal of:
- Improvement of blood circulation;
- increase the muscle tone at home. For example, kinesio therapy, teaching patients on special simulators.
Also popular are the methods of physiotherapy (UHF, ultrasound therapy, light therapy), which, although they are not large, but big help accelerate the healing process. are The treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint with the help of physiotherapy is effective because it lowers the sensation of pain. Specific methods of physiotherapy, depending on the degree of development of the disease is determined by the physician. In addition, the composition of the Rehabilitation injections, to reduce pain, relief ointments and much more.
Gymnastics for osteoarthritis of the knee joint is one of the most important methods that enable us to develop atrofiruûŝiesâ muscles. Exercise therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee joint should be performed gently, slowly. If the Patient feels the resumption of the pain, not immediately cast stop. During the training convenient and useful special knee bandages apply in the case of osteoarthritis.
The rehab group and orthopedic methods of treatment type. You implement for the objective of reducing the load on the king's meadow, seamlessly transfer to your walking sticks, prostheses. Many of the experts prescribe patients knee braces for osteoarthritis. It helps the patient to walk, so that it is minimally painful.
Special diet for osteoarthritis, then it is in General, often focuses on the reduction of the weight of the patient, since in the vast majority of cases, it is a great weight to overload of the joints. Diet includes the consumption of food in the small portions about every 3 hours. For weight loss in the daily diet of lean meat (chicken, Turkey, rabbit) should add and eliminate fat (lamb, Start). Vegetable proteins should fruit from the sleeve. For the compliance with the diet in the diet occur, replacement of refined sunflower oil, as well as the use of salt must be reduced.

Therapeutic nutrition provides for a refusal of, or minimal use of preservatives, smoked, and fried foods (appetite suppressant). To restore the damaged cartilage, you need to provide the body with complex carbohydrates (cereals, products made from wheat flour). In the diet also include juices (carrot, beet, Apple) should be. You bring the body of toxins and reduce the influence of inflammatory processes.
In the diet of fish and aspic should, that he is the peculiar of the cartilage and helps new cartilage. It is important to remember that a diet will not be required to, itself – the best variant, only a dietitian (a specialist in diets) can pick up.
Traditional Methods
Special attention is paid to the national methods of struggle with the disease (home treatment). A variety of ointments, compresses, and other traditional tinctures, the healer and lover of traditional medicine based on herbs, the medical bile, improves the blood circulation in the diseased joint. The effect of the ointment aims at the improvement of blood circulation, relaxation of the muscles. This means often make compresses. Their effectiveness is very high, so that use this method sometimes doctors and in traditional medicine (in combination with medication). The compresses to forehead bands made of natural be heated wool warming the affected area. Of course, folk medicine, help significantly in osteoarthritis grade 3, but for additional healing properties of the methods is not negligible, because they relieve discomfort and eliminate the main symptoms of the disease.
To distinguish the most popular recipes of folk medicine, which can be applied at home:
- the compress from the horseradish. In accordance with this national prescription for enhancing the therapeutic properties of horseradish, it is recommended to grind and cook. Then you need to place the data;
- Compress of iodine, medical bile, ammonia, Glycerin, and honey in may. All the ingredients of this Folk-mix you need to mix, infuse for 10 days, and then apply to the affected king's meadow. The drug is very effective;
- Lotion of cabbage leaf. It will plug from the fresh leaves of the cabbage, soaked of may honey, and is to the leg. Hooks the therapeutic effect of insulation made of wool fabric, or plastic film. Such a tool is suitable for people of all age groups;
- Ointment of elecampane with vodka.
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint has a pretty varied treatment right patients the doctors get taking into account his age and physiological qualities. It can injections, ointments, king's meadow, osteoarthritis, and other drugs. For the prevention and control of the disease in the early stages it can be used for exercise therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee joint. With proper and timely treatment, a Person can in order to save money and not to much damage for the health.